Tuesday, June 23, 2009

round two lol

so like 4 months later the same chick IM's me back.Read and enjoy.

[09:48] lucineee x5: ey i remember you
[09:48] EFFTheK: i remember you too lol
[09:48] lucineee x5: lol
[09:48] lucineee x5: wait up
[09:48] EFFTheK: ?
[09:49] lucineee x5: sorry.
[09:49] lucineee x5: i was telling my friend a story
[09:49] lucineee x5: so wutcha up to
[09:49] EFFTheK: being a whore
[09:49] lucineee x5: LMFAO!
[09:49] EFFTheK: so same old same old
[09:50] EFFTheK: what cha up too?
[09:50] lucineee x5: for the first time in my life i had sex with a guy i love
[09:51] lucineee x5: and im what like 16
[09:51] lucineee x5: it was a rush
[09:51] lucineee x5: (:
[09:51] EFFTheK: did he stick it in your ass?
[09:52] lucineee x5: im a girl
[09:52] lucineee x5: why in my ass
[09:52] EFFTheK: duh
[09:52] lucineee x5: viginaaaa!
[09:52] EFFTheK: and wait you had sex before?
[09:52] lucineee x5: no
[09:52] EFFTheK: there is a thing called anal
[09:52] lucineee x5: its not the ass hole
[09:52] EFFTheK: oh
[09:52] EFFTheK: try it
[09:53] lucineee x5: k
[09:53] lucineee x5:
[09:53] EFFTheK: so is his name john?
[09:53] lucineee x5: yuuup
[09:53] lucineee x5: wanna see a pic?
[09:53] EFFTheK: sure
[09:54] lucineee x5: k
[09:55] lucineee x5: i cant send it
[09:55] lucineee x5: you cant support the pictures feature
[09:55] EFFTheK: lol not on AIM
[09:55] EFFTheK: on Meebo
[09:55] EFFTheK: that's probably it
[09:55] lucineee x5: ohh
[09:55] EFFTheK: got on to check my clients
[09:56] EFFTheK: so did he eat you?
[09:56] EFFTheK: good bpyfriends eat you
[09:56] lucineee x5: lmfao!
[09:57] EFFTheK: that was a serious question
[09:57] EFFTheK: mines always ate me
[09:57] lucineee x5: whats thta mean?>
[09:57] EFFTheK: before the krabs killed me
[09:57] EFFTheK: when he licks you vagina
[09:57] lucineee x5: next time ;D
[09:58] EFFTheK: you didn't blow him did you?
[09:58] EFFTheK: i hate when they make you suck their stinky dicks
[09:58] lucineee x5: lmfao!
[09:58] lucineee x5: no i didnt
[09:58] EFFTheK: good
[09:59] EFFTheK: so was it the best?
[09:59] lucineee x5: yeah
[09:59] EFFTheK: did you get on top and slap him and make hom call you momma?
[09:59] lucineee x5: what ?
[10:00] EFFTheK: did you ride him
[10:00] EFFTheK: damn
[10:00] EFFTheK: pay attention woman
[10:00] lucineee x5: ohh
[10:00] lucineee x5: yeah
[10:00] EFFTheK: nice
[10:00] EFFTheK: so i got arrested but i stabbed the cop in the neck and ran away
[10:01] EFFTheK: and now shape shifting lizards are running the world
[10:01] EFFTheK: ain't that some shit?
[10:02] lucineee x5: yeahhh
[10:02] EFFTheK: yeah so i figured out i was in New york
[10:02] EFFTheK: and now i have like 12 17 year old "workers"
[10:02] EFFTheK: it is the best
[10:03] EFFTheK: you should sleep with a black guy
[10:03] EFFTheK: try to find one without AIDS
[10:03] EFFTheK: that shit will never go away
[10:03] EFFTheK: unless you drink gasoline
[10:03] lucineee x5: oh wow.
[10:03] lucineee x5: how old are you agian?
[10:04] EFFTheK: just turned 20
[10:04] lucineee x5: ohh
[10:04] lucineee x5: and your an illegal immigrant or something right/
[10:04] EFFTheK: and got the herepes
[10:04] EFFTheK: yeah
[10:04] lucineee x5: herpes?
[10:04] EFFTheK: but i got away from them
[10:04] lucineee x5: remind me whta htat means again
[10:04] EFFTheK: sure why not
[10:04] EFFTheK: what herpes is?
[10:05] EFFTheK: it's what happens when you suck a dick with bumps on it
[10:05] EFFTheK: worst choice of my life
[10:05] lucineee x5: oh
[10:05] EFFTheK: yeah
[10:05] lucineee x5: thats sick
[10:06] lucineee x5: like nasty
[10:06] EFFTheK: it's not as bad as when i got my leg crushed and had to wear an eye patch
[10:06] EFFTheK: i even grew a little bread
[10:06] lucineee x5: um alriht
[10:06] EFFTheK: and became a pirate
[10:06] EFFTheK: but now imma try to become a mommy to a rick guy
[10:06] EFFTheK: like 50 cent
[10:06] EFFTheK: and never have to work again
[10:06] lucineee x5: ey can i ask you someting?
[10:07] EFFTheK: huh?
[10:07] lucineee x5: i dont meen to sound rude
[10:07] lucineee x5: but
[10:07] lucineee x5: are you a prostitute?
[10:07] EFFTheK: yeah
[10:07] EFFTheK: duh
[10:07] lucineee x5: oh
[10:07] lucineee x5: well. try to bring your life bak into shape
[10:07] EFFTheK: i can get you some work
[10:07] lucineee x5: um not thaks
[10:07] lucineee x5: im like 15
[10:07] lucineee x5: i dont need that
[10:07] EFFTheK: perfect age
[10:08] EFFTheK: 40 year old men love that age
[10:08] lucineee x5: wtf?
[10:08] lucineee x5: no.
[10:08] lucineee x5: WTF?
[10:08] lucineee x5: nah its okay
[10:08] EFFTheK: you sure?
[10:08] lucineee x5: im not that whorish
[10:08] EFFTheK: get like 2 grand a night
[10:08] lucineee x5: thinking ofi t
[10:08] lucineee x5: im not a whore at all
[10:08] EFFTheK: you had sex without being married
[10:08] EFFTheK: so you must be a whore
[10:08] lucineee x5: ey!
[10:08] lucineee x5: i was confused okay?
[10:08] lucineee x5: im not a whore
[10:09] EFFTheK: he drugged you?
[10:09] EFFTheK: damn girl
[10:09] EFFTheK: you got raped
[10:09] EFFTheK: and you liked it
[10:09] lucineee x5: if i like it doesnt it mean it was sex?
[10:09] EFFTheK: no that is the good kind of rape
[10:10] EFFTheK: the bad kind is when 6 or 7 dudes kick you head in and have their way with you
[10:10] lucineee x5: ohh
[10:10] EFFTheK: does your brother want a freebe?
[10:10] EFFTheK: i have like 4 minutes
[10:11] lucineee x5: dude hes being despreate
[10:11] lucineee x5: he wants sex
[10:11] lucineee x5: thats all he wants
[10:11] EFFTheK: he can stick it in my ass
[10:11] EFFTheK: that is still kinda tight
[10:11] EFFTheK: had these brothers last night
[10:11] EFFTheK: handcuffed them to the bed and robbed them
[10:11] EFFTheK: AMIRITE!
[10:11] lucineee x5: oka
[10:12] EFFTheK: so what kind of drugs do you do?
[10:12] lucineee x5: i dont do drugs
[10:12] EFFTheK: good
[10:12] lucineee x5: i told you im not a prostitute
[10:12] EFFTheK: drugs will fuck up your life
[10:12] lucineee x5: i see yours is fucked up already
[10:12] EFFTheK: i know right?
[10:13] lucineee x5: your so proud of it
[10:13] lucineee x5: its sad.
[10:13] EFFTheK: duh
[10:13] lucineee x5: dont you ever think about how your life wouldve been if you never did those stuff?
[10:13] EFFTheK: drugs?
[10:13] EFFTheK: never did them
[10:13] lucineee x5: all those things
[10:13] EFFTheK: lol sex?
[10:13] lucineee x5: im serious
[10:14] EFFTheK: sex is too goo dto give up
[10:14] lucineee x5: for money
[10:14] EFFTheK: and people will pay for it
[10:14] lucineee x5: do you know what sifilies are?
[10:14] EFFTheK: so why not make with what you got
[10:14] EFFTheK: nope
[10:14] EFFTheK: do you?
[10:14] EFFTheK: infomatiiontize me
[10:14] lucineee x5: yeah
[10:15] lucineee x5: sifilies is a sickness/disease from having sex with people you dont even know. they probably gave it to 50 other girls that are in the hospital right now dying cuz of that sickness
[10:15] lucineee x5: you wanna end up like them?
[10:15] EFFTheK: sure why not?
[10:16] lucineee x5: HAVE YOU LOST IT?
[10:16] EFFTheK: no i can still do this thing with my tongue
[10:16] lucineee x5: DO WHAT?
[10:16] EFFTheK: and if 50 girls have it that means about 300 guys have it
[10:16] EFFTheK: and those girls were probably sluts
[10:16] lucineee x5: all i gotta say to you
[10:17] lucineee x5: is your doing this to yourself
[10:17] lucineee x5: and soon enough your gonna regret it
[10:17] EFFTheK: yeah i came to america to fuck the biggest dicks
[10:17] EFFTheK: all they had in Loas was small dicks
[10:17] EFFTheK: and old white guys
[10:17] EFFTheK: maybe maybe not
[10:17] lucineee x5: did something happen to you when you were my age that got u this way?
[10:18] EFFTheK: nah i just love sex
[10:18] lucineee x5: how bout this
[10:18] lucineee x5: go to colledge
[10:18] lucineee x5: graduate
[10:18] lucineee x5: get married to the sexiest man in the world
[10:18] lucineee x5: and have sex with him for the rest of your life
[10:18] EFFTheK: i am an illegal gawd
[10:19] EFFTheK: having asex with one guy is dumb
[10:19] EFFTheK: you need at least 3 at a time
[10:19] EFFTheK: to have the best time int he world
[10:19] EFFTheK: 2 black guys
[10:19] lucineee x5: do you know how hard i wanna slap you?
[10:19] EFFTheK: and a spanish guy
[10:19] EFFTheK: slap me wear
[10:19] lucineee x5: are you american?
[10:19] EFFTheK: nope
[10:19] EFFTheK: laoisn
[10:19] lucineee x5: which is?
[10:20] EFFTheK: llook up loas
[10:20] EFFTheK: LOAS
[10:20] lucineee x5: oooof.
[10:20] lucineee x5: you disgust me.
[10:20] EFFTheK: you disgust me slut
[10:20] lucineee x5: at least im not a prostitut
[10:21] EFFTheK: at least i get paid for having sex with small dicks
[10:21] EFFTheK: and you missed the E on the end of that
[10:21] lucineee x5: shut up
[10:21] EFFTheK: cockbite
[10:21] EFFTheK: no you shut up bitch
[10:21] lucineee x5: at least i have a fuckin future!
[10:21] lucineee x5: you fucking whore. your a waste of my time
[10:21] lucineee x5: bye bitch.
[10:22] EFFTheK: yourmom
[10:22] lucineee x5: have fun with all those guys your leading on
[10:22] EFFTheK: and grandmom
[10:22] EFFTheK: were whores
[10:22] EFFTheK: and you are going to be a whore
[10:22] lucineee x5: at least they got married to ONE man
[10:22] lucineee x5: that the LOVE
[10:22] EFFTheK: after sleeping with 1000 men
[10:22] lucineee x5: thos 3 that they get paid to have sex with
[10:22] EFFTheK: dumb ass
[10:22] lucineee x5: whatever
[10:22] EFFTheK: whatever nothing dumbass
[10:22] lucineee x5: watever
[10:22] EFFTheK: whatever othing whore\i mean slut
[10:22] lucineee x5: i'll say it as much as i FUCKING WANT!
[10:22] EFFTheK: you give it up for free
[10:23] lucineee x5: do u even believe in god?
[10:23] EFFTheK: yeah
[10:23] EFFTheK: imma fuck god
[10:23] lucineee x5: no you dont. cuz i bet youve earned yourself hell
[10:23] lucineee x5: fuck you
[10:23] EFFTheK: god is gay anyway
[10:23] lucineee x5: WHATS WRONG WIT YOU?
[10:23] EFFTheK: jesus was a virgin
[10:23] lucineee x5: GOD THE ONE WHO MADE YOU
[10:23] EFFTheK: and god is gay
[10:23] EFFTheK: no my parents made me
[10:24] EFFTheK: it's called evolution
[10:24] EFFTheK: dumbass
[10:24] lucineee x5: YOU KNOW WHAT
[10:24] lucineee x5: YOU GO TO HELL
[10:24] EFFTheK: no you can
[10:24] EFFTheK: and i'll see you there
[10:24] EFFTheK: i'll just repent
[10:24] lucineee x5: no you wont
[10:24] EFFTheK: dumbass
[10:24] lucineee x5: leme teell you somethin
[10:24] EFFTheK: that's your loophole dumbass
[10:24] lucineee x5: you repent if you WANT to.
[10:24] EFFTheK: he has to forgive you
[10:24] EFFTheK: so yay for loopholes
[10:25] EFFTheK: slut
[10:25] lucineee x5: not if you did something as bad as you did
[10:25] EFFTheK: liek sex?
[10:25] lucineee x5: i mean prostitute!
[10:25] lucineee x5: seriously!
[10:25] EFFTheK: before getting married?
[10:25] EFFTheK: like um you?
[10:25] EFFTheK: stupid slut
[10:25] lucineee x5: btw.
[10:25] lucineee x5: i lied.
[10:25] lucineee x5: i didnt have sex
[10:25] EFFTheK: go take birth control pills
[10:25] lucineee x5: im still a virgin
[10:25] EFFTheK: you slut
[10:25] EFFTheK: well you lied
[10:25] lucineee x5: i dotn NEED birtch controll pills
[10:25] EFFTheK: thats one of those rules
[10:25] EFFTheK: you stupid bitch
[10:25] lucineee x5: first of all
[10:25] lucineee x5: there comandments
[10:26] EFFTheK: rules comanndments
[10:26] EFFTheK: same diff
[10:26] lucineee x5: and if you werernt an IGNORANT WHORE YOU WOULD KNOW!
[10:26] EFFTheK: i have read it you cuntrocket
[10:26] EFFTheK: that's how i know if you repent you can go to heaven
[10:26] lucineee x5: read what?
[10:26] lucineee x5: SO YOU KNOW!
[10:26] EFFTheK: because he has to forgive your sins
[10:26] lucineee x5: but why dont you follow it
[10:26] lucineee x5: he dosnt HAVE to
[10:27] lucineee x5: he does forgive you if you beg for it
[10:27] EFFTheK: why would i follow a terrioist plot?
[10:27] lucineee x5: lifes nothing to you
[10:27] EFFTheK: i'll just beg for it
[10:27] EFFTheK: when the time comes
[10:27] EFFTheK: or become a jew
[10:27] lucineee x5: wholeheartedle?
[10:27] EFFTheK: and get into jew heaven
[10:27] lucineee x5: WTF?
[10:27] EFFTheK: where they have good food
[10:27] EFFTheK: yes you do
[10:27] EFFTheK: they are gods people
[10:27] lucineee x5: i just searched your religion
[10:28] lucineee x5: they believe in god you ASSHOLE
[10:28] lucineee x5: and your a waste of everyones time
[10:28] lucineee x5: byee bitch.
[10:28] EFFTheK: bye slut
[10:28] lucineee x5: have a nice time fucking 60 year olds
[10:28] EFFTheK: your a mistake
[10:28] EFFTheK: and your dad is gay
[10:28] EFFTheK: and is leaving your mom
[10:28] lucineee x5: thats all you say
[10:28] lucineee x5: my mom and dad love each other
[10:28] lucineee x5: we all go to church
[10:28] EFFTheK: and your grandpa had a penis in his mouth
[10:28] lucineee x5: my grandpa died
[10:29] lucineee x5: from lung cancer
[10:29] EFFTheK: from penis in his mouth
[10:29] lucineee x5: SHUT UP!
[10:29] EFFTheK: ewww he smoked penis
[10:29] lucineee x5: YOU FUCKING MAN WHORE!
[10:29] EFFTheK: the faggot
[10:29] lucineee x5: you know what
[10:29] lucineee x5: mess up your life
[10:29] lucineee x5: but when someone tells you to fix it
[10:29] lucineee x5: you go nute
[10:29] EFFTheK: your granpa is a whore
[10:29] lucineee x5: nuts
[10:29] EFFTheK: your grandmom must have cried
[10:29] lucineee x5: MY GRANDPA IS A MAN
[10:29] EFFTheK: when he died huh?
[10:29] EFFTheK: and got done in the ass by someone
[10:29] lucineee x5: FUCKK YOU
[10:29] EFFTheK: or raped
[10:29] lucineee x5: you know what!
[10:29] EFFTheK: $40
[10:29] EFFTheK: for you
[10:29] EFFTheK: slut
[10:30] lucineee x5: i bet your parents didnt even want youu
[10:30] lucineee x5: to them i bet you were a hell child
[10:30] EFFTheK: i killed them
[10:30] EFFTheK: maybe
[10:30] lucineee x5: cuz your fucking crazy
[10:30] EFFTheK: i was a A student
[10:30] EFFTheK: but sex is too good to give up
[10:30] lucineee x5: what happened then?
[10:30] EFFTheK: Um sex?
[10:30] lucineee x5: you knwo what
[10:30] EFFTheK: but enough about me
[10:30] EFFTheK: lets talk about your granddad
[10:30] EFFTheK: did he have a big cock?
[10:30] lucineee x5: NO!
[10:30] lucineee x5: SHUT U
[10:30] lucineee x5: UP
[10:30] lucineee x5: im not like you!
[10:30] EFFTheK: nah
[10:31] EFFTheK: duh you are a slut
[10:31] EFFTheK: i am a whore
[10:31] lucineee x5: im not a slut!
[10:31] EFFTheK: i get paided for what i do
[10:31] EFFTheK: you don't
[10:31] lucineee x5: im not a slut
[10:31] lucineee x5: you know what
[10:31] EFFTheK: yes you are
[10:31] lucineee x5: do what YOU want
[10:31] EFFTheK: i thought you left lol
[10:31] lucineee x5: IM NOT A FUCKING SLUT
[10:31] lucineee x5: YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME
[10:31] EFFTheK: you can't leave
[10:31] lucineee x5: I CAN!
[10:31] EFFTheK: lol you IMme
[10:31] EFFTheK: slut
[10:31] lucineee x5: shut up
[10:31] EFFTheK: not my fault you don't have friends
[10:31] EFFTheK: and you fuck small dicks
[10:32] lucineee x5: FIRST OF ALL
[10:32] lucineee x5: JOHN DICK IS NOT SMALL
[10:32] lucineee x5: IS NORMAL SIZED
[10:32] EFFTheK: i know
[10:32] lucineee x5: TWO
[10:32] EFFTheK: it is like 9 inches
[10:32] lucineee x5: I HAVE MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU WIL
[10:32] EFFTheK: one big ass dick
[10:32] lucineee x5: FUCK YOU
[10:32] lucineee x5: BYE
[10:32] EFFTheK: i have clients
[10:32] EFFTheK: not firneds
[10:32] Meebo Message: lucineee x5 is offline
[10:32] EFFTheK: about 500 of them
[10:32] lucineee x5: Unable to send message: Not logged in
[10:32] Meebo Message: lucineee x5 is online
[10:32] EFFTheK: hi slut
[10:32] lucineee x5: Unable to send message: Not logged in

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