Saturday, April 25, 2009

My 5 favorite things in the world

Staring off at number 5 would have to be My Music.Since 2006 i have been in love with Music.

Number 4 would be Football.I used to play in highschool and now i just watch and play every now and then

Number 3 Hello! Project.In a nutshell Hello! project is a place to find Chinese,Korean and Japanese girls in the same place.They always Sing and dance and Act but most of them are Eye Candy.

Number 2 Psychology.Since around 12 i have always loved this stuff.I love just saying weird stuff and watching a person's brain react.It is also my major in College but I really want to entertain.Maybe that is why i started a blog

Number 1 Friends.Real Life Friends,Net friends or Made up friends( You have them you just don't know it)Without Friends Being an ass would be a lot less fun and i guess osmetimes they are fun to talk to.

This has been a Post by the future World power TRK so have fun

Song i listened to while writing this

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