Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MSN post

Nathan says (12:43 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:43 AM):
oh now you talk
after im not horny any more
Nathan says (12:43 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:43 AM):
no nate no
im tired of your shit
we are through
Nathan says (12:44 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:44 AM):

lol whats that big IM in the middle of your name?
Nathan says (12:44 AM):
something i found awhile back
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:44 AM):
oh lol
Nathan says (12:44 AM):
supposed to make a donation to a charity every time i type
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:44 AM):
i just noticed it
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:45 AM):
wanna donate to my charity/?
i have cancer or soemthing
super aids?
Nathan says (12:45 AM):
i would believe super aids
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:46 AM):
ok then i --------
wait why super aids?
Nathan says (12:46 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:46 AM):
because Cancer only happens to good people?
Nathan says (12:46 AM):
your definition of good people?
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:47 AM):
um people who don't try to screw people over
like bush,or someone who gives more then they take
Nathan says (12:47 AM):
dont quite understand where your going with this
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:47 AM):
yeah im all deep and shit
Nathan says (12:47 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:48 AM):
lol well i guess you can call them christians
nut just normal people
who don't try to take more then they give
like the devil
or jesus
\or buddy christ
Nathan says (12:48 AM):
i said super aids because it is generally known as a disease gay people get
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:48 AM):
wait im gay?
Nathan says (12:48 AM):
implying that your a homo
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:48 AM):
fuck yeah
Nathan says (12:49 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:49 AM):

Nathan says (12:49 AM):
knew it
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:49 AM):
hell yeahs
seriously when raccoon flu comes around all you swine flu people are screwed
Nathan says (12:50 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:50 AM):
yeah it comes from sex with a raccoon
Nathan says (12:50 AM):
raccoon flu sounds like something that would be spread around in resident evil
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:50 AM):
no that's the T virus
i believe you get that from having sex with a zombie
Nathan says (12:51 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:51 AM):
also tell your room mate to stop flashing me
Nathan says (12:51 AM):
im getting a slight hint of you messing with me
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:51 AM):
Nathan says (12:51 AM):
you go to Gettys burg?
or PSU
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:51 AM):
the latter
Nathan says (12:51 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:51 AM):
we have a bear the formr has a slug
of some sort
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:52 AM):
and my home town team lost to them
but yeah but to sex with your mom
how was it?
Nathan says (12:52 AM):
has a slug?
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:52 AM):
banana slug
is usc's masscot
Nathan says (12:52 AM):
thought they were the trojans..
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:52 AM):
no i think we are the trojans
Nathan says (12:53 AM):
nooo fool
USC Trojans
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:53 AM):
lol then wtf are we?
Nathan says (12:53 AM):
a bear
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:53 AM):
like smokey?
that would kick ass
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:54 AM):
at alkl the games will would be like
Nathan says (12:54 AM):
something called a Bruin
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:54 AM):
and then we kick so much ass we will be picking ass out of our boots for like days
Nathan says (12:54 AM):
my schools mascot owns all
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:55 AM):
john kerry getting ass fucked by al gore?
Nathan says (12:55 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:55 AM):
Nathan says (12:55 AM):
we are Wonderboys
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:55 AM):
liek the wonder twins
Nathan says (12:55 AM):
not even kiddin lol
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:55 AM):
or the wonder girls
Nathan says (12:56 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:56 AM):
isn't the wonder boys the group of boys peter pan holds hostage?
Nathan says (12:56 AM):
which reminds me of a good song
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:56 AM):
and hook tries to free them
and the alligator etas him
Nathan says (12:56 AM):
you srsly need to lay off the drugs
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:56 AM):
if i lay off drugs
then imma have to lay on you
with my penis has been added to the conversation.

Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:56 AM):
inside you
Nathan says (12:57 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:57 AM):
NEW CHALLNGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan says (12:57 AM):
Elegant egotist The "Strategist" Captain Charisma!! says (12:57 AM):
troy boo <3

Talk about turning on your friends :P
It was all fun and games lol

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dragonball Evolution part 1

I have been putting this post off for a while now to recover from what i can only call a bad movie with an awesome director and casting.

At first I was one of those fans who found everything wrong with this Movie.The casting,The year setting ETC.

But What some people don't understand is that Goku and Grandpa Gohan were not related in any way or shape, So Goku being cast as a White guy makes perfect sense.Gohan being alive makes some sense but he still died in the sorta the same way he might have been during the anime and Manga.Since it was a full moon and he was kinda crushed (not by Goku but still).

The role of Piccolo was perfect for James Masters but the make up crew should be fired.Who the fuck didn't notice Master's hair being molded around that mask or whatever it was,Hell Jim Carey in The Mask had a better make up job.But apart from that bad thing and the fight (it was 4 moves.Do you know what games uses 4 moves in battles? Pokemon!!! In short they had a fucking Pokemon battle!Im not complaining but still Piccolo didn't do much.

Jamie Chung as Chi chi is what had me watching it the entire way.From what I can gather She is still rich but not sure if she is a princess bu she is more like the Majunior saga at the end of Dragonball.Jamie in my opinion has a bright future ahead of her.

Master Roshi was got got casted as Chow yon Fat <3>.>)That was also another tie in with the Anime and manga seeing how Goku killed his Gohan in that way,The director just switched some things up.

But that's it for Part 1 of my DBE post when i get some time i'll tie in Goku,Yamcha and Mai.and after that I'll post on what they should have in the second DBE

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My 5 favorite things in the world

Staring off at number 5 would have to be My Music.Since 2006 i have been in love with Music.

Number 4 would be Football.I used to play in highschool and now i just watch and play every now and then

Number 3 Hello! Project.In a nutshell Hello! project is a place to find Chinese,Korean and Japanese girls in the same place.They always Sing and dance and Act but most of them are Eye Candy.

Number 2 Psychology.Since around 12 i have always loved this stuff.I love just saying weird stuff and watching a person's brain react.It is also my major in College but I really want to entertain.Maybe that is why i started a blog

Number 1 Friends.Real Life Friends,Net friends or Made up friends( You have them you just don't know it)Without Friends Being an ass would be a lot less fun and i guess osmetimes they are fun to talk to.

This has been a Post by the future World power TRK so have fun

Song i listened to while writing this

First post EVUR

I logged onto Aim and not even 5 seconds go by and some random ho IM'ed me so I don't know about other people but that really grind my gears >.> (yeah i stole that wanna fight about it)

Anyway Enjoy what i hope to make a common thing in my blog

TRK's random IM sessions part 1

lucineee x5 (11:21:24 PM): who issss disss?
EFFTheK (11:23:01 PM): ?
lucineee x5 (11:23:27 PM): ??
EFFTheK (11:23:34 PM): do i know you?
lucineee x5 (11:23:38 PM): i donttt know
lucineee x5 (11:23:41 PM): do i know YOU
lucineee x5 (11:23:42 PM): ?
EFFTheK (11:24:13 PM): not sure
EFFTheK (11:24:24 PM): your name is?
lucineee x5 (11:24:26 PM): lucine.
lucineee x5 (11:24:29 PM): and yours ?
EFFTheK (11:24:32 PM): K
lucineee x5 (11:24:45 PM): and what yourr nameee ?
EFFTheK (11:24:51 PM): it's K
EFFTheK (11:24:53 PM): or Kay
EFFTheK (11:25:10 PM): whats your name?
lucineee x5 (11:25:18 PM): ohhh
lucineee x5 (11:25:22 PM): lucine is my name
lucineee x5 (11:25:24 PM): im armeniann
EFFTheK (11:25:31 PM): american?
lucineee x5 (11:25:35 PM): no
EFFTheK (11:25:37 PM): oh
lucineee x5 (11:25:37 PM): well
lucineee x5 (11:25:39 PM): yeah
lucineee x5 (11:25:42 PM): armenian-american
lucineee x5 (11:25:52 PM): so yeah.
lucineee x5 (11:25:56 PM): what about you ?
EFFTheK (11:26:06 PM): Asian american
lucineee x5 (11:27:10 PM): ohh
lucineee x5 (11:27:12 PM): nice
EFFTheK (11:27:19 PM): yeah
EFFTheK (11:27:24 PM): except i suck at driving
lucineee x5 (11:27:33 PM): lmfao. how old are you anyways like 19 ?
EFFTheK (11:27:38 PM): 16
lucineee x5 (11:27:43 PM): ohh you got a permitt ?
EFFTheK (11:27:49 PM): i hit a cat today
EFFTheK (11:27:51 PM): yeah
EFFTheK (11:28:11 PM): and my uncle said that it was too flat to serve at his resturant
lucineee x5 (11:28:46 PM): LMFAO!
lucineee x5 (11:28:53 PM): yourr funnyy
lucineee x5 (11:29:51 PM): wait. seriously ?
EFFTheK (11:30:02 PM): right hand to buddha
lucineee x5 (11:30:15 PM): ohh wow.
lucineee x5 (11:30:18 PM): lmfao
lucineee x5 (11:30:30 PM): how do you run over a cat and now feel guilty?
EFFTheK (11:30:44 PM): because i that is my job
EFFTheK (11:30:52 PM): to kill cats small dogs and children
EFFTheK (11:30:56 PM): for the resturant
lucineee x5 (11:31:01 PM): ROFL!
lucineee x5 (11:31:08 PM): wow. your sweet arnt you?
EFFTheK (11:31:09 PM): or i have to work in a sweat shope
lucineee x5 (11:31:13 PM): eww.
lucineee x5 (11:31:19 PM): sweat shop?
EFFTheK (11:31:34 PM): yeah i escaped during the vietnam war
lucineee x5 (11:32:00 PM): um how old are you again ?
EFFTheK (11:32:13 PM): is this 20 questions?
EFFTheK (11:32:23 PM): because if it is mmy guess is a corndog
lucineee x5 (11:32:32 PM): well probably
lucineee x5 (11:32:40 PM): what state you in anyways ?
EFFTheK (11:32:51 PM): i don't know
EFFTheK (11:32:54 PM): i see cars
EFFTheK (11:32:57 PM): and tall buildings
lucineee x5 (11:32:59 PM): im in californiaaaaa.
lucineee x5 (11:33:03 PM): (: SUNSHINEE!
EFFTheK (11:33:03 PM): cool
lucineee x5 (11:33:07 PM): leme guess
lucineee x5 (11:33:12 PM): your in New York
EFFTheK (11:33:15 PM): i think i am in nevada
EFFTheK (11:33:20 PM): alot of cashinos
lucineee x5 (11:33:30 PM): really ? nevada doesnt havve tall buildings
EFFTheK (11:33:35 PM): oh
EFFTheK (11:33:41 PM): well im idk then
lucineee x5 (11:33:50 PM): wow.
EFFTheK (11:33:50 PM): i illegal here anyways
lucineee x5 (11:33:58 PM): wtf? seriously ?
EFFTheK (11:34:07 PM): yeah i came over in a boat/box
lucineee x5 (11:34:16 PM): ROFL.
EFFTheK (11:34:18 PM): had to throw my sister to the sharks
lucineee x5 (11:34:29 PM): :O
EFFTheK (11:34:39 PM): yeah
lucineee x5 (11:34:40 PM): whats wrong with you ?
lucineee x5 (11:34:45 PM): shees you SISTER
EFFTheK (11:34:48 PM): so
EFFTheK (11:34:52 PM): not full sister
EFFTheK (11:34:56 PM): she was missing a foot
EFFTheK (11:35:00 PM): so she wasn't human
lucineee x5 (11:35:06 PM): lol
EFFTheK (11:35:15 PM): you have any sisters?
lucineee x5 (11:35:19 PM): yeah.
lucineee x5 (11:35:21 PM): a little sister
lucineee x5 (11:35:25 PM): and a older brother
lucineee x5 (11:35:27 PM): im in the middle
EFFTheK (11:35:33 PM): oo is your brother cute?
lucineee x5 (11:35:38 PM): wait.
lucineee x5 (11:35:41 PM): are you a girl or a boy ?
EFFTheK (11:35:44 PM): maybe
lucineee x5 (11:35:49 PM): -_-
lucineee x5 (11:35:50 PM): dude.
lucineee x5 (11:35:52 PM): tell me.
lucineee x5 (11:35:58 PM): wait your both?
EFFTheK (11:36:02 PM): a girl
lucineee x5 (11:36:09 PM): ohhh
lucineee x5 (11:36:10 PM): ookay
lucineee x5 (11:36:16 PM): yeah my brotherss prety cute
EFFTheK (11:36:18 PM): are you both?
lucineee x5 (11:36:18 PM): for a brother
EFFTheK (11:36:25 PM): how big is his cock?
lucineee x5 (11:36:30 PM): :O
EFFTheK (11:36:32 PM): we aisans love big cocks
lucineee x5 (11:36:34 PM): its normal sized
EFFTheK (11:36:38 PM): you seen it?
lucineee x5 (11:36:42 PM): no.
EFFTheK (11:36:47 PM): then how do you know?
lucineee x5 (11:36:54 PM): when he was a baby ?
lucineee x5 (11:36:57 PM): and his christianing
lucineee x5 (11:37:00 PM): baby pics?
EFFTheK (11:37:02 PM): i thought he was older
EFFTheK (11:37:04 PM): oh
lucineee x5 (11:37:07 PM): yeah
EFFTheK (11:37:11 PM): do you finger bang to it?
EFFTheK (11:37:14 PM): send me them
EFFTheK (11:37:22 PM): i want to get off to his sexy ass
lucineee x5 (11:37:27 PM): LMFAO.
lucineee x5 (11:37:28 PM): k
EFFTheK (11:37:29 PM): you like music?
lucineee x5 (11:37:31 PM): wait up
lucineee x5 (11:37:33 PM): leme send it
EFFTheK (11:37:42 PM): nah i don't like cock
lucineee x5 (11:38:06 PM): heres a url.
EFFTheK (11:38:35 PM): what is your race again?
lucineee x5 (11:38:41 PM): armenian-american
lucineee x5 (11:38:55 PM): like the kardashians. armenian. but grew up in america
EFFTheK (11:39:06 PM): oh
EFFTheK (11:39:17 PM): did you see kim kardashians porno?
lucineee x5 (11:39:27 PM): i dont want to
lucineee x5 (11:39:28 PM): thats sick
EFFTheK (11:39:43 PM): she has a loose vagina
EFFTheK (11:39:48 PM): ray j was small too
EFFTheK (11:39:58 PM): and he told everyone to jack off to him
lucineee x5 (11:39:59 PM): there.
lucineee x5 (11:40:01 PM): click on that icon
lucineee x5 (11:40:05 PM): that url
lucineee x5 (11:40:10 PM): and you'll see my bro's pic
EFFTheK (11:40:15 PM): ooooooooh
lucineee x5 (11:40:32 PM): yeah
lucineee x5 (11:40:38 PM): what ?
lucineee x5 (11:40:42 PM): you think hes hot /
EFFTheK (11:40:50 PM): hell yeah girlfriend!
lucineee x5 (11:40:55 PM): lmfao!
lucineee x5 (11:40:57 PM): yeah.
lucineee x5 (11:41:07 PM): he made his girlfriend loose her virginity
lucineee x5 (11:41:13 PM): that dickhole.
EFFTheK (11:41:23 PM): lol that's what guys are for\
lucineee x5 (11:41:26 PM): LMFAO
EFFTheK (11:41:29 PM): you ever have 10 guys?
lucineee x5 (11:41:40 PM): um im a virgin
EFFTheK (11:41:53 PM): oh
lucineee x5 (11:41:55 PM): i dont go around having sex
lucineee x5 (11:41:58 PM): im not a slut
EFFTheK (11:42:00 PM): i do
lucineee x5 (11:42:04 PM): wow.
EFFTheK (11:42:06 PM): thats how i play for my clothes
EFFTheK (11:42:15 PM): i want to be a stripper
lucineee x5 (11:42:19 PM): do you have a myspace?
EFFTheK (11:42:20 PM): but i have one and a half implants
EFFTheK (11:42:27 PM): no i am illegal
lucineee x5 (11:42:30 PM): oh yeah
EFFTheK (11:42:32 PM): if i did they wil deport me
lucineee x5 (11:42:39 PM): oh.
lucineee x5 (11:42:42 PM): what do you look like ?
EFFTheK (11:42:51 PM): asiany
EFFTheK (11:42:54 PM): japanese
lucineee x5 (11:42:56 PM): no really.
lucineee x5 (11:43:14 PM): my bro thinks asians are sexy
lucineee x5 (11:43:18 PM): he wants to bang one
lucineee x5 (11:43:22 PM): but he cant find one
EFFTheK (11:43:23 PM): my dad does too
lucineee x5 (11:43:32 PM): lmfao
lucineee x5 (11:43:33 PM): wow.
lucineee x5 (11:43:47 PM): my bro is gettting pissed that im talking to a total stranger.
lucineee x5 (11:43:53 PM): so yeah im gonna have to block you
lucineee x5 (11:43:54 PM): bye
lucineee x5 signed off at 11:44:03 PM.
lucineee x5 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
lucineee x5 signed off at 11:49:25 PM.
lucineee x5 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.